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4 Most Common Types of GPS Tracking

GPS tracking is becoming more common every day. About every smartphone has GPS capability. Many companies rely on some form of GPS to move products from one location to another. GPS is even showing more capabilities like monitoring a volcano or feeling an earthquake. Clearly, GPS is a valuable tool that can help businesses and people of all types. Most GPS device fits into two types of categories:

Categories of GPS

Personal Commercial
This type of GPS is meant for one person to use. Most of these items are meant to be tracked by one person. This type of GPS is meant for multiple people to track or is an integral part of company duties. These GPS devices have specific software solutions.
Vehicle GPS devicesAnimal GPS trackersKeychain GPS tracker

Wearable GPS trackers

Portable GPS tracker

Asset trackerELD devicesOBD GPS tracker

Personalized GPS applications

Here are the 4 most common types of GPS tracking and how each one can relate to you.

  • Wearable GPS Trackers
  • Vehicle GPS Trackers
  • Asset GPS Trackers
  • Cellphone GPS Trackers

Wearable GPS Tracker

Wearable GPS trackers are exactly what they sound like. It’s a GPS tracker that is wearable and can be attached to some type of clothing. You’ll find that wearable GPS devices are used with animals, small children, those traveling, and more. Many people like these types of trackers because they can fit anywhere such as a keychain or pocket flashlight.

One of the most common wearable GPS trackers is a dog collar GPS tracker. These devices use GPS technology to help owners locate missing dogs. Wearable trackers are also becoming more common for kids to have when out and about. These devices may include the ability to talk with other device users and can even store local games on the devices.

Wearable trackers are great for those looking to easily track an item or person with little to no-frills.


Vehicle GPS Tracker

If you work in any form of transportation services, then you know how vital GPS services are. These devices can help you manage your fleet and improve your services. Commercial vehicle GPS trackers are often combined with fleet tracking software to manage dispatch services, cost reporting, and track driver behavior.

There are three main types of vehicle GPS Trackers:

Mobile GPS/Portable

Plug-in Play GPS/OBD II

Hard Wired GPS/ELD

Mobile GPS devices use a combination of software and the GPS located in their mobile device to track drivers. Plug-in and play devices connect using the onboard diagnostics connector and provide more accurate readings of driver data (such as idle time, harsh braking, etc.,). Wired GPS devices are secured to the vehicles and are usually connected to the engine. Wired GPS devices are usually designed to give the most accurate information on location, vehicle health, and driver behavior.


Asset GPS Trackers

Asset GPS trackers are designed to track tools and equipment on a job site. These devices come in many different types and feature different capabilities. Commonly referred to as equipment trackers, asset GPS devices can be secured or placed on an item and provide real-time tracking. Cheaper options provide you with the ability to track tools within specific geolocation. You’d be notified when an object left or returned to a specific location. Asset GPS trackers can be applied to virtually any tool or piece of equipment if you choose the right tracker for the job.

Cellphone GPS Tracker

Last, but not least, most mobile devices contain a GPS within them. A person will install an app on their phone to track their whereabouts. This technology uses cellular data to help locate the device. This has led to a revolution in both the smartphone and GPS technology. Commercial and private individuals use cellphone GPS trackers as many are free of charge. While these services do provide robust directions, they do not provide any information on the car or driver’s behavior.

Types of Businesses That Use GPS Trackers:

GPS trackers can be useful to many different types of organizations. Furthermore, companies may find that they need GPS services to expand their business and cut costs. Here are some of the examples of industries that use GPS trackers.



Transportation services can use GPS trackers to track vehicles in real-time. They’ll also be able to record and manage driver behavior. Asset trackers can also benefit transportation companies by tracking loads among different drivers.


Restaurants can use GPS devices to track when deliveries are made or when orders have been dropped off. Geofencing is also becoming a big part of restaurant strategies moving forward.

HVAC/Pest Control/Service Industry

Service industries are constantly on the move. Even simple industries such as HVAC or pest control can use large fleets of vehicles and equipment. GPS tracking can not only track your items, but make it easy to track worker hours, and generate usage reports.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement agencies often need complex GPS tracking on equipment and vehicles. This can be critical when trying to locate a downed officer or necessary equipment during a crisis moment.

Government Entities

Government institutions regularly work on large-scale projects with interconnected groups and outside vendors. GPS technology can help better improve dispatch and response services as well as protect investments with taxpayer money. GPS services can also make it easy to cut costs or see the value provided by services. The right type of GPS tracker can dramatically improve government services.